Saturday, February 6, 2010

Tzintzuntzan, Mexico

So headed back into town for lunch. This was the beautiful courtyard where I had pasta alfredo. Yeah, I know...

Instead of busvan, we took an old bus to Tzintzuntzan (szin-SZOOT-san). Matthew affectionately calls these "chicken buses".

The purpose of this trip was to see the famous Purepecha (poor-hay-PAY-cha) Indian ruins. They are still in the process of cleaning it up and "fixing" the ruins. We just took our time and wandered around.

Some of the old blocks had carvings.

We had a big day! We went to Isla Janitzio AND Tzintzuntzan. I'm as bad as a toddler when I get tired, so needless to say I was becoming a little cranky. We took the bus back to Patzcuaro and went in search of dinner. Most the restaurants were already full, and we ended up circling back around to our hotel. That suited me just fine, so we had a nice dinner.

We ordered our beers, and we notice that everyone else is drinking coffee! No one was drinking beer. I guess they were too cold. We grabbed some beers and took them to the balcony on our floor. Despite the wool blanket, it was pretty cold! Matthew and I headed to the room to make plans for the next day.

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