Friday, August 13, 2010


I had some lofty reading goals earlier in the summer. Out of all those books I was going to read, I have only read 2 ("Voyage of the Dawn Treader" & "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo").
I am stuck! Do you ever begin to read a book and get stuck? I am reading "The Silver Chair" which is the next to last book in The Chronicles of Narnia. It is not very good. Eustace does not make a very good main character! I have several more books waiting to be read, but I feel like I need to finish this book. I want, no, NEED to finish the series before school starts.

OK. Here is my declaration:
I, Tiff, will finish "The Silver Chair" so that I may read "The Last Battle" therefore finishing The Chronicles of Narnia before August 19th (my first day back at school).

1 comment:

Jen said...

You got farther than I did! I think I quit around book 3 maybe--it just didn't hold my interest. Go girl go! You can DO it!