Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Being sick

I am not prone to illness. In fact, I have a pretty good immune system., but this year has been quite unusual. I think my classroom is making me sick. I know it's full of mold and mildew. The air units blow out this musty smelling, damp air. I am home today. This is probably the 3rd time I've stayed home sick. I am MISERABLE! I woke up with a sore throat Friday, which continued on Saturday. Sunday, it turned into a dry cough. This cough became worse yesterday. By the afternoon, I was either blowing my nose or coughing.

When I get back to school, I hope I can get something done about my room. Not only is it bad for me, but our school instruments are being threatened by high humidity and temps.

OK. No more complaining. I have a doctor's appointment at 2:30 today.

Here's hoping all is well with you! (I must say, it could be worse, and at least I can take the day off to stay at home).

1 comment:

Jen said...

I swear my classroom was making me sick the first year I taught. It was a brand new school, and I had brochonitis from November to March. That and an overwhelming sense of fatigue all the time. Hope you feel better!