OK. It snowed... AGAIN yesterday, so I got out the camera, just for you, Jenny. :) The flakes just flew around all day. So, you can't really see it... but it did snow. Really... I promise I don't need to clean my camera lense.
Here is some "accumulation" on my truck window.
Can you see the giant flake in the middle of the picture?
Ha ha! That was fun. I'm hoping that we will have snow for Christmas! I'm probalby jinxing it, but a girl can dream.
It snowed here yesterday too. Take that Jenny :)
*hee hee*
I bet your snow stuck to the ground, at least.
Snowed here too! It even stuck to the grass for a few minutes.
Yay! Snow!
I'm on my way!
We got over an inch last night. I can't believe that I live somewhere that gets this cold so early. Just think...during February, no one will be jealous of the -10 degree weather at nine in the morning!
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