Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Yellow Jackets

For the last 4 years, we have had to deal with Yellow Jackets. Matthew has been stung several times (luckily, no allergic reaction). It is always fun to push mow over a nest which is in the ground. I see the first two or three coming out angry, and I let go of the mower and run!

The next hours are funny because they are trying to kill the lawnmower. (It did attack the nest, afterall.) After we find a nest, we try to spray. Sometimes spray works, and sometimes we resort to "other" methods. Here is an incident where spraying worked, and then we had some "extra" help from a possum and/or racoon.
*Note* The stick was marking the nest so we would know where to spray.

1 comment:

Jen said...

I've stepped on a couple of nests myself. NOT fun. I really hate those buggers, which is hard because TJ went to GA Tech.